Return of Our Country Page 14
Gabby was still processing it all. She sighed and added, “This is a little much. Aren’t these banking families rich enough?”
Adam put his answer on an emotional level. “It’s human nature to always want to progress. That’s why kings long ago went to war to conquer foreign lands. Think about the greatest battles in history, Genghis Kahn, Napoleon, Tso; how do you think we got Hawaii?”
Gabby gasped. “What?”
Adam explained. “We acquired Hawaii because a banking group led the overthrow of the ruling monarchy with the plan to let the United States come to the rescue and take over. Of course, the US was using the Federal Reserve at that time, and the bankers knew the country would turn to the Federal Reserve Bank for a loan, which of course would lead to the owners of the FED getting richer. Remember the strategy Morgan began the FED on? He wanted to use the military might of the United States government to increase his wealth at virtually no risk to himself and his friends. He wanted a pipeline of money from the American taxpayers to himself.”
Krieger eyed the president. “They tapped into the most lucrative pipeline of money in history, sir. To save the country you’ll have to go up against these people. They have the most untraceable cash in the world. We’ll be outgunned, out financed, and they’ll stop at nothing to destroy the country and basically keep our people as indentured servants. They want every person in the country working for them, and they’re ruthless. Are you sure you want to go up against them?”
George looked around the room, tightened his lips for a moment and then spoke. “The real question is, how many of you are with me?”
Chapter 25
Brooks arrived at his town house that night, just before dusk. He pressed his personalized access codes into the keypad and put his thumb in place. Then he took out his Sig, opened the door, and stepped in cautiously. He walked softly. It had been almost a year since he’d been here. He never stayed long, though having a place within driving distance of DC gave him access to the city. It also allowed his one acquaintance the ability to drop things off, or in this case, arrive.
Smelling coffee, he slowly entered the kitchen. He saw his friend and neither said a word as Brooks took out his phone and removed the SIM card and battery. He walked to the wall, slid the picture to one side, opened the safe and placed the disassembled phone pieces inside, next to his friend’s. Protocol was protocol and was strictly followed.
“Black as usual,” came the greeting from Ferraro with a smirk. He looked down at the cup of coffee he had just poured and placed across from him at the kitchen table.
“You’re early,” Brooks said as he holstered his weapon and pulled out the chair to sit down.
“Nobody’s ever on time. You’re either early or late.”
Brooks had heard Ferraro say that many times.
“Did you make the sweep?” Brooks asked, questioning to ensure Ferraro had the place scanned for any type of surveillance devices.
“Sure did, we’re clean,” Ferraro said. “Had the surrounding buildings checked too. They’re good.”
Ferraro was a unique individual in this day and age. He was a Don in the Mafia who had worked his way up through the ranks. Ferraro knew more than most the influences that the Russian Mafia and the mid-eastern terrorists had gained in Washington. He had watched these types come into the country with significant financial backing. This financial backing granted them favor with the political elites. Together, what they were doing to the country and the middle class wasn’t good. Ferraro knew first hand the plight of middle-class families. Most of his legitimate businesses dealt with middle-class people on a daily basis, and he was sympathetic to their plight. They had gone over twenty-five years with raises less than inflation. Ferraro knew what corrupt forces in Washington had done and were planning to do. That was why he’d hired Brooks, the ex-CIA operative, to begin to take out the worst threats to the sovereignty of the country. When Ferraro and the Shadow had seen a man running for President who wasn’t part of the deep state, they stepped in to save the candidates who eventually became the current president and vice president.
Ferraro watched The Shadow turn on the jamming device for assurance.
Comfortable that he could talk freely, Ferraro got right to the topic of the meeting. “I’ve watched the video you sent, and showed it to our friend, and he agrees.”
Ferraro looked at Brooks and nodded, keeping eye contact.
Ferraro made their intentions clear. “We’ve already made the transfer.” He was referring to a transfer of funds from Ferraro to Brooks before a job.
“All three?”
The Shadow looked at Ferraro, who added, “That should send a message.”
They had become aware of the deep state plans to overthrow the will of the people and assassinate the president. If the deep state couldn’t orchestrate the assassination, they planned to drive the country into financial turmoil in order to take over again. The scary thing was, the globalist empire was working diligently on both fronts.
Ferraro’s method of dealing with these traitors was unconventional. He wasn’t a politician, but he realized that, with the power of the deep state, justice wouldn’t reach those who were connected. He could, however, take a small step towards delaying the threat, causing other traitors within the government to pause. He needed to slow them down. He needed to buy time, which had become a precious commodity.
Brooks asked, “He doesn’t think we can prosecute?”
“Wishes we could. He says you have the evidence. The issue is that the president has a few positions filled by people he thought were loyal, but they’re compromised, too. Not to the extent of the others, but they’ve taken money in the past just the same. The deep state is blackmailing them. As long as they’re in place, we won’t get the prosecutions we should. If the president moves these people out, that’s another story, but we sure can’t contact him. Until then, we either sit by and watch them commit treason or we take action.”
The look on Brooks’ face begged for more clarification. He always wanted to ensure that his methods were a last option. Ferraro knew and respected that about The Shadow.
Ferraro explained how the attorney general would have to appoint a special council. Even though hard evidence showed these people plotting to kill the president and create financial turmoil, both separate treasonous activities, it would never see the light of day in Congressional hearings, the media, or a court room. He explained how attorneys could discount it on the grounds of how it had been obtained. Then the traitors would simply carry out their plans using alternative methods.
Brooks knew the legal advice from Ferraro’s source was as good as it gets. “I understand… I guess he’s right. So, the video is worthless?”
“Not at all. Actually, it’s extremely valuable. After they’re assassinated, we can release it on the Internet. We’ve set up several transmission points for just this type of thing. We’ll send it from a few locations at the same time and, even though they’ll be able to track where it came from, they’ll have no way to trace it back to any individual, just locations that we’ll never use again. So it won’t get them anything. Our people will be long gone.”
Brooks felt better about being able to use the information. “Sounds like a plan.”
The assassination of three corrupt politicians would send a message. These three had one thing in common: in their time in politics, each had sold out the country to foreign entities for personal benefit. One was a second-generation senator and this message would resonate with others of this kind in Washington. The time had come when traitors were being eliminated by patriots who weren’t part of the government… people who understood that the best way to kill a snake is to cut the head off. Hydras like this needed many heads cut off. It would soon be obvious that the country would either become part of a one world government with the sovereignty of t
he United States and its middle class lost forever, or the takeover would be thwarted.
A political war of the highest stakes was under way. In this chess match, the one world government elite were making their move, not anticipating a counter offensive of this magnitude. The message would be sent that some patriots would not go quietly into the night.
The Shadow had his next assignment. As he was about to stand up to freshen his coffee, Ferraro said, “After that, there’s someone in the government who needs your help.”
Chapter 26
Madison had just walked into the Cabinet Room that adjoined the Oval Office. It was early the next morning and several of the president’s staff and a few politicians were discussing the growing civil unrest. Senator Madison Dodge hadn’t planned to stay for the whole meeting. She only had a short period of time before her meeting with the president.
The national security advisor had worked the back channels before the meeting to garner support for his viewpoint, though he couldn’t get through to the minority members. They just wouldn’t do anything reasonable for this president.
He explained it to Madison. “After consulting with many people, we believe the magnitude of the current civil unrest is unprecedented, and most of it is being spurred by social issues. In incidents like this, one approach is to send people into the city having the problem. We investigate, define the issues, look for local leaders, talk to them, and find common areas to use as a platform for resolution.”
The house majority lead shook her head. “Unfortunately, this is beyond our capacity to manage.”
Madison cut the house majority lead’s usual long windedness short. “What are you suggesting?”
“It’s been suggested that we bring in a small number of UN troops to help alleviate the burden and help move us towards healing.”
Madison’s eyes got bigger.
“They’ll be viewed as impartial and will bring a calming presence,” the corrupt majority lead added.
Madison glanced out the window at the Rose Garden and then at the busts of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin that were positioned at the sides of the fireplace. What would those two think about bringing in a foreign military presence?
She glanced above the mantle at the picture depicting the signing of the Declaration of Independence, then at the empty chair of the president, two inches taller than the rest of the chairs. She wondered how long that tradition had been in place. I wonder if it signified that the president must stand taller than the rest in times of uncertainty?
Madison had thought it through enough. She looked at the house majority leader. “To suggest that the escalation or even explosion of unrest is above and beyond what local law enforcement can handle is simply not the case at this point. Yes, we’ve had some initial losses, but the cities are adjusting and from my reports, things are beginning to stabilize. The president has told law enforcement to ensure that they keep control and not let these incidents get out of hand. Frankly, if you’re asking me to support you bringing foreign troops into this country, troops who we both know won’t be under the control of the US military, I just don’t think that’s what the country is all about.”
The woman, who had been taking kickbacks for decades, responded by saying, “Senator Dodge, you’re thinking about where we’re at this morning and, frankly, relying on some optimistic points of view from local officials. What if it gets worse? What happens when it escalates? These troops are a safeguard. They’re trained for this type of thing and we can bring in troops who have experience in European situations.”
“I don’t see the need. In fact, to me, the risk exceeds the reward. Frankly Ms. Speaker, I don’t know how but I believe the people that fund you are creating this unrest.” Madison closed her tablet. This meeting was scheduled to last a few more minutes, but she had heard enough. She knew how UN troops came under the disguise of being impartial, though they were a globalist entity controlled by the same people who were funneling hundreds of thousands of illegals to the southern border. These same people controlled the FED.
Senator Madison Dodge wanted to put an end to the thought that there was any possibility that this group of compromised individuals would ever get her support. “Congresswoman, you know me; I keep an open mind. It’s my opinion that bringing in foreign troops is a step in the direction of globalism, and that’s everything we stand against. It’s what the president ran against. Besides that, it’s not the civil unrest that’s causing this. If you and your group will support items to jump start the economy, most of this civil unrest will dwindle away, and you know it.” You bitch.
Madison knew this congresswoman was a member of the establishment. What she didn’t know was that the senator she was with knew about the preparations for munitions to be supplied to cities across the Northeast. She was just giving it one more try to see if Madison would support the UN troops. That would give them plausible deniability. The way this whole thing was shaking out, it was going to be messy. But still, when her friends took back control of the FBI, CIA and White House, none of this would ever be investigated.
Chapter 27
The significant losses triggered the stock market to be shut down again. Several other countries were experiencing economic slowdowns and had demanded that the United States pay its debts immediately. The dollar was no longer being accepted as payment to these countries, so US owned companies were scrambling to purchase currencies and commodities like gold, silver and copper as mediums of exchange to make payments on imported goods. COD, or cash on delivery, had been imposed by other industrial countries on all goods and services. US-owned companies worked at a frantic pace to keep their supply chains and revenue flowing.
Although retail purchases across the country had almost halted, food was flying off the shelves as fast as it was stocked. Processing businesses for meats, poultry and grains began reporting that local contractors had dramatically increased prices or stopped supplying, most likely to secure their own positions. This, and the recent decline in the stock market, was driving up food prices.
In an unprecedented move, George had closed the Stock Market for the last two days of the week. He had fielded enough calls from heads of states and the head of the Federal Reserve to know things were about to get worse, much worse.
George, Adam, Madison and Gabby were scheduled to meet with Lord Rothmayer, who was the largest stock holder of the Federal Reserve. The good Lord had called George yesterday and requested an early morning meeting. He’d said he could help.
* * *
Lord Rothmayer sat confidently, with an air of royalty. He was a Lord, an endowed title from his English heritage, although his roots went back to other places.
After cordial greetings were exchanged, the Lord began by recounting the good working relationship he and his partners had enjoyed with the United States over the years. He spoke of the tight spots they had been in going back to the 1890s when his family had lent the country much needed money to avert a recession. He spoke about the creation of the Federal Reserve to help finance the country, which had led to eventual victory in the First World War. He spoke of the undying support they had offered to help the country out of the 2008 recession. All of it was a lie.
With both hands on the table and virtually no other mannerisms whatsoever, the Lord continued. “This may be the worst situation we’ve been in. As you know, countries are demanding payment in terms other than the dollar. We’ve been holding the value of the dollar as high as we can. But we don’t have much time left. We can only hold it another two to four weeks at the most.”
George was intently listening, and stoically quiet.
Rothmayer’s chin was lifted, causing his eyes to have to look downwardly. He spoke slowly. “You have very little gold and the other countries know it. The United States has gotten herself into a position where now, with the confidence in the dollar being eroded, countries want to ensure th
at you’re not just going to print more dollars to pay them back with a currency that’s devaluing by the day.”
Rothmayer hesitated; his years of training in negotiations had taught him not to make things personal. So, he said, “Mr. President, you didn’t cause this. Even as far back as Reagan, the country was over leveraged on its gold reserves. The sad part is that your country’s politicians did it to themselves. For example, years ago, when some of your predecessors wanted to prop up other countries, they knew they just couldn’t give them gold, so they increased what they called foreign aid, then they let those countries buy your gold with your own money at a fraction of its true worth. Reagan even knew this when he said, “In the last six years, 52 nations have bought… billion dollars of our gold, and all 52 are receiving foreign aid from this country.”
George’s eyebrows raised. He knew politicians had been blackmailed and bribed for decades, to go along with these Federal Reserve antics.
The Lord continued. “In recent years, most of the remainder of the gold has disappeared. Your vaults are practically empty. When Germany asked for its gold, they were told that it would take many years to get it back. Now it’s public knowledge, and you have countries lining up to retrieve their gold and you don’t have it.”
The banker looked down at his hands, which were still both palms down on the table. With seamless ease, he turned his hands so that his palms and wrists appeared. “The only thing that kept your economy afloat was the value of the dollar, and that value didn’t come from intrinsic value, it came from confidence, and that confidence is gone.” He waved his right hand as if to indicate that it didn’t matter what George and the others would say next. His word was what was important.
Rothmayer looked at the others around the table, then focused back on George. “But we can help you restore it and save your economy! There are ways,” he stated. “You’ll need collateral. Just like any other loan, you need to put up some kind of security. Since you have practically no gold, we need something else.”